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23-24 By the Numbers

Cost of a Dawson Education

In 2023-24, the total cost to educate a Dawson student was $36,606. While tuition payments covered approximately 75 percent of this cost, the School relied on Dawson Annual Fund donations and other sources of revenue to supplement tuition.  

The Alexander Dawson Foundation contributed $3,082,700 ($5,300 per student). Dawson Annual Fund donations, individual contributions, and other sources of revenue accounted for an additional $2,540 per student. These sources of income were crucial in continuing to provide our students with an exceptional educational experience. The Foundation also contributed $571,000 to support ongoing enhancements to the School’s safety and security program. Total cost of a Dawson education per student - $36,606

Depreciation (unfunded) - $1,454

Contributions & Other Revenue - $2,495

Foundation Contribution - $5,306

Average 2023-24 Tuition - $27,350

Operating Revenue

2023-24 Operating Revenues: $ 17,461,411

Tuition & fees - $16,011,709 (92%)

Auxiliary and other program revenue - $547,383 (3%)

Unrestricted contributions - $533,224 (3%)

Other revenue - $369,105 (2%)

Expenses and Debt Service

2023-24 Expenses & Debt Service: $21,267,966

Instructional and Auxiliary programs - $9,546,942 (45%)

Administrative and Fundraising - $3,592,017 (17%)

Debt service - $2,781,286 (13%)

Plant - $2,512,292 (12%)

Depreciation expense - $1,433,808 (7%)

Tuition assistance - $1,401,621 (7%)