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two young students and their teacher smiling on the playground

Language is an integral part of our daily lives and identity, and it is more important than ever that educators recognize, celebrate, and support multilingual learners in Early Childhood. As someone born and raised in the Phillippines, with English as their second language, one teacher deeply understands wanting to be fluent in English while celebrating – not losing – their home language. 

Read More about Six Ways to Empower Multilingual Learners in the Classroom
group of four teachers at a Project-Based Learning Conference

The field of education is constantly evolving with new research, teaching methodologies, and emerging technologies. It’s exciting and revolutionary, but how do teachers stay updated with the latest developments in their field to ensure their teaching practices remain current and effective? The answer is continuing education through enriching professional development.

Read More about The Need for Professional Development: Dawson Educators as Forever Students
students laying on the turf at recess

Whether it’s the class schedule, guest speakers, service-learning programs, facilities updates, recess, lunch menus, athletics, or homework loads, we constantly look for ways to improve and meet our students’ needs.

Read More about Let Kids Sleep In