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Campus Life

An independent school experience is about much more than academics at Alexander Dawson in Las Vegas.

Learning happens both in and outside the classroom with teachers, peers, and the greater community. At Dawson, we believe developing mind, body, and character is essential to an enriched, happy, and fulfilling life. Our emphasis on experiencing education beyond the traditional classroom is why our graduates learn to savor life and meet the challenges of the world.


two basketball players

Clubs & Voice Groups

student sitting at a desk, holding a pencil to paper, looking towards the front of the classroom.

Modern Spaces

young students working on projects in the design lab

Organic Garden

a student watering a garden bed

The School does an excellent job combining advanced academics, competitive athletics and the numerous arts programs. The faculty help mold the kids into the best possible learners, with the ability to differentiate instruction and really foster each kids' strengths. It is an environment that we believe will best prepare our kids for high school and beyond, pushing them academically, socially, and personally. Dawson Parent Review

students playing with a large parachute on the field